National Volunteer Week - David Hill

Basketball Australia acknowledge the meteoric contributions of David Hill in Mt Eliza

David Hill 
President, Mt Eliza Meteors 
Mt Eliza, VIC

David Hill hadn’t played basketball but found his motivation as volunteer following the enthusiasm of his basketball-loving family. 

Hill's journey began from a desire to help when his local club desperately needed volunteers. in 2018, with his son's team struggling to find a coach - David took a step into the world of basketball. 

With the club on strong foundations and needing support to grow, David, like many volunteers, has worn a few hats in his time - from Coach, Team Manager, Grievance Officer, Vice President and since 2021 - President of the Mt Eliza Meteors on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. 

David took the time to share some insights on his journey in basketball.

On memorable moments 

“As strange as it may seem, I feel that the Club getting through the pandemic not only unscathed, but flourishing the very first season we were able to move about and participate with any real level of freedom is a very memorable achievement. The club grew by 175% within a space of 2 seasons," said Hill.

On motivation 

“As much as the role can pose its challenges at times, there is little more rewarding than watching a group of six and seven year old girls and boys don their club colours proudly and take to a court. The sense of pride, the enthusiasm and passion in their faces means the world. One of my passions is to play a part in the continued growth of female participation in basketball,” said Hill. 

Advice for others 

“Never underestimate the value you can add with the smallest of contributions. Often, the hesitation in potential volunteers as a result of being time poor. Don’t sit and wonder," added Hill.

“I suggest that if anyone is thinking about volunteering, have a discussion about what time you have available and what roles may suit. I assure you, anything you can offer will be greatly appreciated.” 

If you are interested in volunteering and joining our ever-growing basketball family – click here.  
For more details on volunteers across Australia– head to ASC’s volunteer hub more information here